
  • It’s Rebellion Time

    Rebellion…another approach to goal setting

    “When we harness our rebellious energy, we reject what most may accept, and focus on creating what we believe to be possible…we do not dwell on what has already been proven.  Instead we create the future we already know is possible.”  

    • Tara Bliss

    There has been a recurring theme going on these days with not only my clients, but my friends as well:

    We’re tired, burnt out, and want to go hide in a cave.  The last thing on our mind is goal setting for our future.

    Personally, this year has been one of the most emotionally challenging years in a long, long time.  We’ve seen people’s personal lives politicized to the point of causing families to be ripped apart.  Death threats, hateful tweets, and offensive behaviors have become what feels like the norm for many of us.  And most of us are still mired in cultural expectations that we’re not only blind to, but don’t even agree with in the first place.

    But hiding in a cave isn’t the answer.

    We do have a say in how we create our lives and the world around us.  

    “Be the change you wish to see in the world” – Gandhi

    Yeah, yeah, yeah… but are we actually doing what he’s suggesting?  Are you BEING what you want to see?  Are you acting on the belief that you can co-create your future?  Or, are you hanging onto the belief that it’s too late or you’re just not up for the challenge?

    No, it’s not too late and yes, you can handle the challenge.  I think where we get stuck when confronting change, is when we assume the future will unfold the same way the past did.  But if you bring a more rebellious energy to your goals, you can reshape the trajectory of your life and the world around you.  Rebellion has both destructive and creative energy behind it.  That is the road to change.  And a way more fun way to approach our goals.

    If you’ve already set some goals for the new year, revisit them now.  And if you haven’t set any goals yet, think about something that you would like to see change.  This could be personal or cultural…just pick something for the sake of this exercise.  

    Ask yourself:

    What are my friend’s, family’s, and/or cultural expectations around this?

    Do I agree with these expectations?

    Which expectations can I get behind?

    How would I behave?  What would I say?  Who would I spend time with and who wouldn’t I spend time with?

    What would I watch or listen to in terms of the news, Netflix, Facebook, etc?

    What would I say “no” to and what could I say “yes” to instead?

    Asking these questions stokes our inner dormant fire.  If you were genuinely honest in your answers to the above questions, you will likely feel your energy perk up.   This is where rebellion starts.  And, good news… you have just gained more clarity about why you want this change/goal to happen in your future.

    And I guarantee you will be more successful if you include collaboration.  Collaborate leadership is about dropping the pecking order and refusing to blindly follow orders.  It’s all about expressing and empowering not only your talents but also the talents of others.  It is inclusive, decisive, and powerful.  It is the opposite of oppressive power (which is divisive, destructive, and erratic).   And, no, it’s not about dropping our boundaries to be ‘nice’ either.  Collaborative leadership is every bit as much about owning our sovereignty.  In fact, it is when we have clear boundaries, we can freely share, grow, and co-create our lives.  

    I believe it is time to pivot away from the single handed, oppressive hierarchy.  Instead, it is time to birth a new approach that holds collaboration and belief in our future as its’ new expectations. 

    Are you with me?

    I’d love to hear your thoughts about this.  And share your rebellion with me if you feel moved to do so.

    And if you want to dig deeper into your own rebellion/goal setting, get in touch and we’ll strategize together.

    And as always, retweet, repost, and share with friends.